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Give gig workers instant access to their earnings on-demand
Fully flexible rewards and benefits from cash-back offers to embedded insurances.
Helping Accountants serve independent contractors seamlessly with all-in-one accounting and service delivery platform.
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Fiverr Gig worker, Melbourne
"I'm not the most IT savvy tool in the shed, but thanks for such a great app. Looks like a very helpful tool.."
“Thanks for such a great app”
The Total Group
Welcome to the future, I believe this AI-driven platform will truly revolutionise how individual, self employed and casual employee tax returns are managed.
Co-founder, Medrun
“The team has provided an realistic solution which tackles the pain of trust and validation of information by users to create trusted content”
“A realistic solution”
Having worked closely with MyGigsters, I am super excited about this game-changing platform. This would enable our accounting practice and do more for our clients than just bookkeeping.
“I am sure this will help me a lot!”
Uber Driver, NSW
"The app functionality has been taken to another level. Nice job team MyGigsters"
“The app functionality has been taken to another level”
Ideal Business Solution
The team has provided an realistic solution which tackles the pain of trust and validation of information by users to create trusted content
Airtasker, Sydney
"not going to lie, I am enjoying MyGigsters App. 5 Stars Benji"
“5 stars”
Co-founder, Medrun
“The team has provided an realistic solution which tackles the pain of trust and validation of information by users to create trusted content”
“A realistic solution”